Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shopping with Stacey!!!

Today I got Stacey early from school to do some clothes shopping. The girl is outgrowing EVERYTHING!! We started at one of her favorite girly stores and found great deals on the clearance racks! I normally just go out and buy her clothes, but she has all of a sudden come to this age and shopping sounds fun to her. While we were walking back to our car she sweetly looked at me and said, "Mommy this is so much fun, thank-you!" We met Matt for lunch at Stacey's favorite, Cracker Barrel. There Matt bought her and Matti a Webkin. Then we headed to the mall!!All the while Jackson is enduring our shopping in his stroller. He did great as long as I kept the snacks coming. Stacey did not want me in the dressing room, she wanted to get her outfits on and come out and show me. She was so cute!! Then it was off to pick up Matti from school because I had her stay the whole day today! One reason I took Stacey on this outing is because I get Matti everyday at noon and we do fun stuff regularly. Also, as her mommy I sense when she needs time and I think she did. It is really strange her getting so big. She is so helpful! What a blessing!!! I love you Stacey, and I had a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! I think individual Mommy time is important, too. It's great to be able to do that once in a while.
