Sunday, February 15, 2009

How do you spell cute? J-A-C-K-S-O-N

How many of us could do this in the bathtub and look so cute? LOL

The girls have been begging for a puppy for quite sometime and I keep telling them they have one.


  1. Jackson is so cute! He is looking more like Stacey all the time. Looks like the girls had a fun week. It has been fun for us too. Dad had a lady saved last Saturday and we hope she will get baptized soon. Love Ya! Boompa & Nana

  2. He is such a cutie.
    In regards to your previous post, What is wrong with you? Your children are outside in the middle of winter with no coats!!!! Oh, wait, you mean it's warmer than 20 degrees there? I'm so jealous!
